わが行けば 露とびかかる 葛の花
Waga ikeba/ Tsuyu tobikakaru/ Kuzu no hana
When I go,
And get the splashing dewdrops,
A kudzu flower.
曼珠沙華 はふりのけぶり 地よりたつ
Manjushage/ Hahuri no keburi/ Zi yori tatsu
A cluster amaryllis.
The smoke by a junior Shinto priest
Rises from the ground.
*A cluster amaryllis is also called “higanbana” in Japan. It means a flower of Higan. Higan is the week surrounding the Vernal Equinox Day or Autumnal Equinox Day. And it is the period that people hold a memorial service for an ancestor or a deceased.