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The examples of Christmas haiku with 5-7-5 style
There are not so many Christians in Japan, but Christmas had been celebrated since the beginning of the 20th century. People did not have enough economic power to enjoy the event grandly decades before, so the classic haiku poems about Christmas in Japan were modest.
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Yamaguchi Seison(1892-1988)
雪かゝり 星かゞやける 聖樹かな
Yuki kakari/ Hoshi kagayakeru/ Seiju kana
Snow falled onto,
The stars are shining,
The holy tree.
降誕祭 待つ燭こよひ ともすなり
Wainahato/ Matsu shoku koyoi/ Tomosu nari
Tonight, the waited candle
Will be burnt light.
クリスマス 近づく雪の こよひまた
Kurisumasu/ Chikazuku yuki no/ Koyoi mata

Is drawing near and snowing
Tonight too.
らふそくの 燃えゆくはたのし クリスマス
Rousoku no/ Moeyuki ha tanoshi/ Kurisumasu
It is fun.
The candle is burning.
It’s christmas.
Mitsuhashi Takajo(1899-1972)
クリスマス 前夜の鐘を もたいなく
Kurisumasu/ Zen-ya no kane wo/ Motainaku
The bell of the eve,
It’s grateful.
クリスマス 胡桃の樹肌 あたたかに
Kurisumasu/ Kurumi no kihada/ Atataka ni
The bark of the walnut tree
Has the warmth.
Yamaguchi Seishi(1901-1994)
わらべらに 寝ねどき過ぎぬ クリスマス
Warabera ni/ Inedoki suginu/ Kurisumasu
To the children,
“It’s way past your bedtime”
On Christmas.
昇降機 聖誕祭の とつくにびとと
Shokoki/ Seitansai no/ Totsukuni bito to
At the elevator.
For the Christmas party
With people.
扉のひまに 厨房見ゆる クリスマス
To no hima ni/ Chubou miyuru/ Kurisumasu
Through gap in the door,
I saw the kitchen.
Christmas Day.
Nakamura Kusatao(1901-1983)
隣人の 戸の音越しに 降誕祭
Rinjin no/ To no oto-goshi ni/ Koutan-sai
The neighbor’s
Sound through the door.
前途永き 妻に加護あれ 降誕祭
Zento nagaki/ Tsuma ni kago are/ Koutan-sai
For her long long future,
May God protect my wife.
降誕祭 睫毛は母の 胸こする
Koutan-sai/ Matsuge ha haha no/ Mune kosuru
The eyelashes brush
Mother’s breast.
Hirahata Seito(1905-1997)
Gaito wo / Yagi ga kuwaete/ Kurisumasu
A overcoat
Is held in a goat’s mouth.
白糖を 嘗めクリスマス 礼拝す
Hakuto wo/ Name kurisumasu/ Reihaisu
I licked
The refine sugar on Christamas
And worshiped.
Ishida Hakyo(1913-1969)
病棟に イブの見舞の はなやげる
Byoutou ni/ Ibu no mimai no/ Hanayageru
To the ward,
The visitors for Christmas eve
Give brilliant.
*Ishida Hakyo had suffered from the tuberculosis for more than a quarter of a century.
樹間染め 隣病舎の 聖樹の灯
Jukan some/ Tonari byousha no/ Seiju no hi
Coloring between the trees,
The next ward’s
The light of the holy tree.
塩鮭の からき涙や クリスマス
Shiosake no/ Karaki namida ya/ Kurisumasu
The salted salmon’s
The salty tears,
See also
The winter haiku poem examples by Japanese famous poets
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