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Buddha statue of Myoo(明王, Vidyā-rāja)
Unlike other Buddha statue, Myoo express rage on the face. Because the gods follow the order of Dainichi-nyorai to make people who deny Buddhism submit and believe in. In addition to the expression, they have dynamic power with a roaring fire and various weapons.
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As the connection to Dainichi-nyorai, we can’t find the position of Myoo except in esoteric Buddhism. “Myo”(明) means mantra and the other”O”(王) represents king.
The five great wisdom kings
Fudo-myoo(不動明王, Acala naatha)
Gozanze-myoo(隆三世明王, Trailokyavijaya)
Gundari-myoo(軍荼利明王 Kuṇḍalī)
Daiitoku-myoo(大威徳明王, Yamāntaka)
Kongo Yasha-myoo(金剛夜叉明王, Vajra-yak a)
Ususama-myoo(烏枢沙摩明王, Ucchuṣma)
Kujaku-myoo(孔雀明王, Mahāmayūrī‐vidyā‐rājñī)
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Daigensui-myoo(大元帥明王, Āṭavaka)
Aizen-myoo(愛染明王, Rāgarāja)
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