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What is a Nyorai(Tathāgata)?
“Nyorai” (如来)is the figure of the Buddha(Shakyamuni), who achieved enlightenment. The statues represent the figure of him. When you want to distinguish whether a statue is Buddha’s figure or not, 32 distinct physical features and 80 fine one, “Sanjunisou-Hachijishukou“(三十二相八十種好) will help you. After the trainning, “Bosatsu”(菩薩) is finally able to be the eminence and bocome Nyorai.(learn more about Bosatsu)
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But in Japan, the dogma of Buddhism really branched off many ways through the history. Along with it, several types of Nyorai showed up and became to take on each role. There are four major kinds of it, including Shaka-Nyorai, Amida-nyorai, Yakushi-nyorai, and Dainichi-nyorai.
Learn about the thirty-two physical features of Buddha
Yakushi-Nyorai(薬師如来, Bhaiṣajya-guru)
Amida-Nyorai(阿弥陀如来, Amitābha)
Dainichi-Nyorai(大日如来, Mahāvairocana)
Biruushana-nyorai(毘盧舎那如来, Vairocana)
Nyorai for your garden…
Meditative Buddha of the Grand Temple Medium-Sized Garden Statue
Repose ST10201253 Peaceful Buddha Outdoor Statues
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